After graduating from the Drum program at MI in 2012, alum Ben Loshin stayed busy by playing with The Samples, a group who had been going strong on the indie touring circuit for more than 25 years. He subsequently played with Conrad Sewell and The Ceremonies, an L.A.-based group managed by Troy Carter (Lady Gaga, John Legend), who were named an MTV Buzzworthy Artist to Watch. Through one of MI’s Hiring Hall auditions, Ben scored the gig to play drums for American Idol Season 10 finalist Casey Abrams, but most recently, he has been out on the road with artist Sohn.

While on tour with Sohn, Ben played around the world, with live performances on MTV, Jimmy Kimmel Live, KCRW, as well as memorable sets at Coachella, Jingle Ball, and other festivals across North American, Europe, and Australia. In between live performances, Ben works as a producer and engineer at The Boat House, a studio he opened with two fellow MI grads.

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