Moses Stone moved from his hometown of Washington, D.C. to Hollywood to attend Musicians Institute in the Independent Artist Program. While at MI, he formed an indie/hip-hop band, and his solo career took off after he appeared on the second season of NBC’s The Voice. Moses was selected to compete on “Team Christina,” led by Christina Aguilera, and he became the first hip hop artist to perform on the show. His talents both in singing and rapping made an impression on the judging panel, which also included Cee Lo Green, Maroon 5’s Adam Levine and country music star Blake Shelton.

He has continued to put out singles and an EP, taking him to performs venues and festivals in L.A. and in other cities around the country. In the summer of 2017, Moses released his single, “Gone,” available on all major streaming platforms. He is currently amping up to release more original music as a solo artist to the fans he has made from The Voice and beyond.

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